Category: introspection

  • Opportunity Cost

    I took a trip to Boston to see some old friends this past weekend. We had a lovely time, but events at each end of the trip festered in my mind to the point that I found myself lecturing over them in the middle of a long walk. Do you ever wind up talking to…

  • Stillness on an Uncomfortable Flight

    Ever heard of Frontier Airlines? The low budget commercial flight service is perfect for those of us who want the miracle of flight and almost nothing else. While popular airlines commonly boast their inflight goodies, above average legroom, and top of the line customer service, Frontier found room in the market for a company with…

  • Obstacles

    Obstacles are superficial. I believe obstacles are actually feelings and nothing more. If they were at all objective in nature, they would be possible to define and list out. Eventually, they would all be figured out, and soon there wouldn’t be any. But obstacles are subjective feelings. A river is an obstacle to the dog,…

  • A Dose of Introspection

    I recently spoke with a friend about an idea I heard from popular entrepreneur and investor Naval Ravikant. What I share will not sound like an interesting conversation, but what I later extracted from it is what I think will be helpful for you in your quest for accurate thought